The electric transmission system, commonly known as the grid, moves electricity across high-voltage lines from various power sources to the communities where it can be used. NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic’s proposed project is critical to improving the efficiency and reliability of the electric grid in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.


What is NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic?

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Transmission, LLC, a leading competitive electric company in the U.S. that operates approximately 2,200 circuit miles of transmission lines across North America. We have substantial experience creating innovative and cost-effective transmission solutions that are critical to improving the efficiency and reliability of the electric grid. This includes developing, designing and constructing transmission projects across 16 states and Canada.

What is the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link?

The MidAtlantic Resiliency Link is a proposed transmission project designed to improve the reliability of the electric grid by building a new approximately 130-mile 500-kV transmission line across Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia, as well as a new 500/138-kV substation. The project was selected as part of a portfolio of transmission solutions to address reliability concerns resulting from a loss of power generation sources, support for cleaner power sources and additional electricity demand in the region.

What is the role of PJM with this project?

The PJM Interconnection (PJM) is a regional transmission organization that is charged by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with coordinating the sale and movement of electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia. It is PJM’s responsibility to ensure the electricity needs of the 65 million people in their footprint are met. This includes planning for the future needs of the electric system. The proposed MidAtlantic Resiliency Link emerged from the PJM planning process. 

What is the need for this project?

PJM routinely conducts a long-range Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP) process that identifies what changes and additions to the electric grid are needed to ensure reliability. When undertaking its 2022 RTEP, PJM identified reliability issues resulting from a loss of power generation sources, support for cleaner power sources and additional electricity demand in the region. In response, NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic submitted the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link as a proposed solution to help address the reliability concerns.


Why was the the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link selected?

The regional grid operator selected proposals that were the most effective or cost-efficient solutions for addressing the transmission needs in the study area. In particular, the regional grid operator found that the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link offered the “needed reliability reinforcement to serve both the west to east transfer need and also provide a third supply source."

What are the benefits of this project?

With the transmission projects solicited in the 2022 RTEP Window 3, the regional grid operator was preparing for a loss of power generation sources, support for cleaner power sources and additional electricity demand in the region. Along with other selected proposals, the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link is expected to help ensure the reliable delivery of electricity. The project is also expected to scale to serve the future needs of the MidAtlantic region as well as the new generation seeking to connect the grid.

In addition, the proposed project will increase electric reliability in the region, minimizing power outages and blackouts. Further, the project will spur job opportunities and investment in the local economy while generating additional opportunities for economic development through the expanded transmission capacity. Unlike some other forms of development, the benefits to the economy from this project come without straining existing resources such as roadways or public services.

How is a route for this project determined?

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is committed to meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements and working with local communities, regional stakeholders, regulators and landowners to ensure we select the most appropriate transmission route. The main goal of this process is to identify a route that meets the technical specifications and economic needs of the project while avoiding or limiting impacts to landowners, local communities and the environment.

How can the public provide feedback on the route alternatives once they are developed?

As part of our project development efforts, NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is committed to cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with local communities, as well as establishing ongoing, transparent dialogue so that members of the general public are given the opportunity to be involved and communicate their perspectives. This will include a variety of tools, including mailings, community meetings and social media, to keep the community informed once project route alternatives are developed.

What does the routing process entail?

The ongoing routing process consists of qualified employees and third-party subject-matter experts evaluating potential routes and alternatives. Obtaining input from landowners along the prospective routes, the public, local government and regulatory agencies is critical to the routing process as feedback is incorporated into the routing criteria.


How will alternative route options be evaluated?

There are a lot of factors and considerations that go into routing a transmission line, including environmental constraints, civil engineering details, requirements from the regional grid operator or proximity to other development projects. We are starting to engage with local communities to understand their specific concerns in order to incorporate those into the routing criteria for evaluation.

When will the public be able to provide feedback?

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is developing a detailed routing study to evaluate route options that will be shaped by stakeholder input. As part of this process, there will be numerous opportunities and mechanisms for the public to participate and provide feedback prior to the identification of a final route, including multiple public meetings.

How can the public stay informed about the project?

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is committed to cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with local communities as well as establishing an ongoing, transparent dialogue so that the public is given the opportunity to be involved and communicate their perspectives. If you want to be added to our stakeholder list to receive information about the project, please request it through the form on the Stay Informed page.

When will NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic file its siting application?

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic is developing a detailed routing study to evaluate route options. Upon completion of this process, and the related outreach to notify the public of the proposed route, NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic will file its application with each state public service commission.